
Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23, 2010 Weigh In: 420 lbs, Lost 3 lbs

The tale of the scale was a happy one this morning. For the third straight weigh in I lost weight. This week's shedding was 3lbs and I'm feeling great about it. I'm starting to feel more looseness in my clothes and moving my body seems to be getting easier. I feel like my new eating habits are becoming more natural and my attitude towards food has definately changed for the better.

I have been consistantly meeting all points of my plan except #5. I did exercise a few times last week which is a good start but I have to get this up to 15 minutes daily. I will make this a priority this coming week.

Thanks for all your comments on yesterday's post. It's great to know that so many people care.

Go Jets!



  1. I formally weighed 430 and now weigh 270. I admire your courage and will support you anyway that I can! You can do this!

  2. Hurray!! WTG!! SOOO happy for you

  3. You are doing so awesome. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work!
